Painkiller (also officially known as Pain Killer) is a band originally formed in 1991. Their style can be described as a mix of avant-jazz and grindcore; later albums also incorporated elements of ambience and dub.
The three primary members of the band are: John Zorn on saxophone, Bill Laswell on electric bass and Mick Harris (formerly of Napalm Death and founding member of Scorn) on drums. The band has also had several musicians make guest appearances both live and in the studio, including Yamatsuka Eye, Buckethead, Mike Patton, Makigami Koichi, Justin Broadrick and G.C. Green of Godflesh, and Keiji Haino of Fushitsusha.
Harris departed from the band in 1995 to dedicate himself solely to computer music; following his departure many assumed that Painkiller was defunct. However, Zorn and Laswell have recently resurrected the band name and played some dates with either Hamid Drake or Yoshida Tatsuya playing drums. Rumours of a new studio album from the band have not been confirmed.
2005年的8月,有消息说Painkiller 乐队要来广州参加新音乐节,爱好即兴的中国朋友异常兴奋!纷纷表示要亲赴目睹Painkiller 乐队之风采。张晓舟也激情四溢写出乐评《凭吊?不,上吊!——Painkiller前传》。我也约了李剑鸿和黄锦的D!O!D!O!D!乐队一起在广州的SOLO酒吧来一场预热型即兴演出,从而开始了我与D!O!D!O!D!乐队的合作。
后来因为Bill Laswell的护照问题,他们的演出被迫取消,而被吉田达也和灰野敬二代替。
我第一次听到John Zorn的CD就是颜峻无私借给我复制的一套三张的Painkiller ,至今我还清楚地记得封面是一个上吊在歪脖子树上的死尸。音乐血腥,暴力,凄美,起承转合无痕。在此我要再次感谢颜峻。之后我便再也不担心他人说我演奏太过爆裂之类的屁话。
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